Access to members
The Chamber’s website features a ‘member’s only section’ where you can access policy documents, research and economic reports not otherwise available.

Members may also advertise and promote activities at either greatly discounted rates or in many instances free, through the Insider, our weekly newsletter. Our website also offers members the opportunity to market their products and services directly through the Chamber.

Boardroom Rental
The Chamber’s Board Room is available for rent at preferred member rates, seven days a week. So whether you need meeting space during or after hours, or you are representing a charity looking for a central Hamilton location, our Boardroom may be just what you are looking for.

Member Mix & Mingles
This is a brand new Chamber initiative; each month (except August and December) the Chamber will showcase a different business, and invite the membership to join them on location for an evening reception.

The monthly events allow members the opportunity to meet on a more regular basis to share news and discuss matters of mutual interest. It is also an excellent way to profile new members.

The events also give the host unprecedented access to the broader membership and affords them the opportunity to market their products and services directly to their fellow Chamber members.

The Chamber, in association with members, is now in the process of introducing a new annual Professional Development Training Schedule which will offer a wide range of training opportunities, many at no or little cost to our membership.